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Connect to Data Sources

As part of your application creation, you can establish connections to your data from which your application will pull that data. A connection is a pipe between the NetSpring service and your data warehouse. NetSpring issues queries to your data warehouse through a connection. Currently, NetSpring supports connections to the following warehouses:

Create a connection

To create a new connection,

  1. On the left panel, click the 'Data' icon and select Connections.
  2. Click + New Connection, choose the data warehouse that you want to connect to.
  3. Enter the required details and configure the warehouses.
  4. Test the connection health and click Save.
Snowflake connection
  1. You can also create new connections from the Catalog. Click the 'Catalog' icon on the left panel. Click + New and select Connection. A popup will appear that displays all the data source types that your NetSpring application can ingest.
Snowflake connection

Delete a connection

To delete a connection,

  1. Inside the connection window, click the three dots at the top-right corner and choose Delete.
  2. A dialog box appears asking you to confirm the deletion, click Delete and the connection will be deleted.
Databricks connection